Michelle vs. hot Ukrainians

Every so often you get a wickedly satirical comment that turns out to be wickedly insightful as well. Provided for your consideration is just such a witty piece from Chris Webster, a law student at University of Maryland at Baltimore.

Vnunet.com had this article about malicious spam purporting to be a sex scandal involving Barack Obama. You can get the article here.

Web monitoring firms are warning IT administrators to update their spam filters after a massive new spamming campaign was detected. Inboxes are filling up with spam claiming to have a link to a web site that carries video footage of a sexual indiscretion committed by presidential candidate Barack Obama. It alleges to show footage of him having sex with Ukrainians after a visit to the country last year.

Chris has this clever insight.

Michelle Obama v. hot Ukrainians? I can see that…

What does this say about idiot spam victims?

  1. they like to see online sex videos
  2. they like to believe the worst about Obama
  3. they think anything can happen in Ukraine
  4. they think everybody tapes everything
  5. if it’s on email it must be true!

Very interesting study in social engineering.
I personally think Putin is behind this web attack.

  1. he knows a lot about Ukraine ( and Ukraine’s girls)
  2. sources close to him say with his reduced duties he has been watching more movies — Top of his Netflix you’d enjoy list = “Sex, lies & Video Tape”
  3. the other guy who might be behind this is McCain, and he has never been on the internet
  4. Putin needs to get back at the, “American political candidate who initiated the Georgian war for their own gain.”

Thanks for the warning, luckily all my money is tied up in this can’t lose Nigerian investment 😉


In the interest of full disclosure, you should know that I am, in fact, related to Chris – he’s my eldest son.