Whatever Happened to Security For All?

Where have all your good words gone?
Where have all your stories gone?
From Where Have All Your Good Words Gone by Laura Gibson

Long, long ago, way back in December of 2011 the latest blog entry appeared in Security For All. What become of the author and his intrepid sidekicks Dr. Security and Captain X-Ploit has been the stuff of no small amount of speculation among the Information Security literati. Actually to my knowledge there has been no speculation at all. Small or otherwise. But I digress.

By way of excuses let me say that a whole bunch of stuff has happened since that last post around Christmas time. Primarily, in January I started  a new position as Software Architect for Trustwave. I could let you guess at my employer like I did back when I first started blogging while working at StillSecure, but anyone can look it up on LinkedIn so the thrill is gone. Also let me point out that Trustwave and Spiderlabs are quite well known in the blogosphere having several excellent corporate blogs. This is not one of them. Whatever I say here is strictly me and they have nothing to with it. Much less approve or disapprove. In any case I’ve been drinking from the firehose since January without much opportunity to do much of anything else.  Thus the reason for the 3 month hiatus of Security For All.

But I’m back. And so is the good Captain. So stay tuned.